Sunday, April 12, 2009

Where do fruit flies come from? I was at work the other day and all of a sudden there was a ton of fruit?

flies swarming over the garbage. We had a big fruit basket and the left-overs got thrown into the trash in the office. How do these fruit flies all of a sudden appear? Where were they before they entered the office?

Where do fruit flies come from? I was at work the other day and all of a sudden there was a ton of fruit?
they come from the fruit aliens from Carpousqe. the aliens let the flies out of their eyes when they are upset so then the flies need to find food and a place to live. and they chose fruit.

haha, your fruit probally had fly eggs on it when you bought it. then they hatched and are now in your house.
Reply:yeah savannah get a life fruite comes from tress

super nanny

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